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Are you ready to live a life you love?

Updated: Sep 27, 2021

Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation announces the next transformational seminar to make an impact in your life: Transformational Leadership Program: Insight I.

A 4-day seminar that gives you the tools to live a life you love.

You may be asking yourself "what does it mean to live a life you love?".

The phrase "living a life you love" is usually misunderstood by many people. People will usually attach this phrase to wealth, materialism, and status, however, "living a life you love" is so much more than that. "Living a life you love" means finding compassion and happiness in everyday life choices you make within the circumstances you are living in. This does not mean that you won't experience feelings of discomfort or stress when life becomes too much, it simply means that you have the self-awareness and inner strength to overcome any challenges that may come your way.

You may be asking yourself "How does this question apply to me as a person?" "Why should it matter if I am living a life I love?" Living a life you love reflects your character, goals, purpose, and ambition. These parts of yourself ultimately guide you in making decisions that lead to self-fulfillment and feeling complete as a person. Neglecting these crucial parts of yourself can have the opposite impact.

Still not sure why "living a life you love" is important? Well, we may have something very special that can help you answer this question!

Transformational Leadership Program: Insight 1 is a 4-day empowering and transformational seminar assists you in building a solid foundation in your life for growth, resilience, and awakening your heart.

During the 4 days of the virtual seminar, you will get the opportunity to focus on rekindling the flame in your heart that has been put out by exhaustion of everyday life obstacles. Exhaustion can make us restless and lose sight of what truly matters: our well-being. In Transformational Leadership Program: Insight I you will begin the opportunity to rekindle that flame by developing:

  • self-confidence

  • clear and open communication skills

  • decision-making skills

  • learning about how to create and maintain strong relationships

and so much more.

Does this sound like something you would like to participate in? If the answer is yes, we highly encourage you to start your self-awakening journey with the Transformational Leadership Program: Insight I

Transformational Leadership Program: Insight 1 will take place in a virtual format from 28 October to 31 October 2021. For more information on times, see the poster below.

We have special rates for HCLF volunteers, students, and youth workers!

We hope you take on this once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in yourself and begin the process of living the life you love!


+2975841211 (whatsapp)

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