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Why is it important to know your strenghts?

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

Strenghts. Those things you're naturally good at. Whether you're born to lead, you're good at taking care of others, you're very organized or you're a natural storyteller, everybody has them and we need them all.

In this world there's a lot of attention for what you're not yet able to do good enough. Think of the results of the class you find difficult at school. The focus will be on fixing your weaknesses, while it will be easier (and more fun) to increase the results of the classes you're already good at.

Can you name your top 5 strenghts? Most people can't confidently answer this question. That's particularly regrettable, because there are many advantages to focusing on your strenghts. A few reasons to focus on your strenghts:

  1. It's more fun to do something you're good at

  2. It's easier to focus on what you're good at (save your energy!)

  3. It will help you developing self-awareness and making conscious study and career choices

  4. People who are focusing on their strengths, are usually feeling healthier

  5. It's easier to deal with stress and challenges

Enough to convince you, right? Find your strengths now:

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