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New project Connecting Hearts

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

With a new year comes the continuation of ongoing projects and the beginning of new ones. Looking back at the success of ‘Curason pa Curason’, in which we aim to openly discuss mental health with young people, we are preparing for the launch of a new project.

Following the success of last year’s in-school Impact Activities, HCLF refocuses its attention this year towards reaching more youth at school with our heart work: our activities that promote heart-centered skills for more resilient and responsible young people. Our Impact Activities connects young people with older peers in group settings, as we believe in the positive impact that older peers can have on younger individuals. But to do this, we need to strengthen our pool of volunteers in order to reach more youth.

Heart-Centered Leadership Foundation (HCLF) is excited to announce ‘Connecting Hearts’: a new project that aims to stimulate an increase in our pool of young positive role models for other young people.

Connecting Hearts promotes the expansion of the principles and values of heart-centered leadership through two streams: Heart-Centered Impact Coaches (HCIC) and Heart-Centered Youth Leaders (HCYL). HCYL are youth between 13-17 years that follow two tracks to learn more about themselves (interpersonal) and themselves in relation with others (intrapersonal) from a heart-centered perspective. HCIC are young adults (18 years and older) who follow a training track to prepare them for a more hands-on role when it comes to inspiring and empowering youth.

Through this expansion, we aim to reach 240 youth in 2022 with our Impact Activities.

HCLF aims to work collaboratively with other youth organizations to help strengthen their own volunteer pool. Their youth and older volunteers can participate in the 2 training streams and can practice the learned skills by assisting in 2-4 activities for HCLF during a one-year period. Both HCYL and HCIC streams promote skills and competencies like commitment, professional attitude, effective communication, empathy, self-awareness, and organizational abilities. Youth and young adult volunteers from other organizations return to their organizations with a new toolbox of knowledge and skills.

Through this project, we are creating a developmental ground for the professional growth of young people to reach each other, make an impact on the direct environment of young people, and bring forward relevant themes to connect with the lives of other young people. See traject required for becoming HCIC & HCYL below.

This project aims to provide greater opportunities to upscale the HCLF’s activities in the coming years, by tapping into the potential of the pool of young people and allowing the chance for them to grow into leading or facilitating the HCLF’s activities for other young people.

Are you 18+ and are interested in becoming a potential Heart-Centered Impact Coach?

Sign up via this registration form!

Are you under the age of 18 and are interested in becoming a Heart-Centered Youth Leader? Contact us via:

WhatsApp: +297 5841211

Connecting Hearts project is made possible with the financial support of Samenwerkende Fondsen & Cede Aruba.

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